Kidney beans glycemic index glycemic load, carbohydrates

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Average glycemic index and glycemic load values of Kidney beans are based on 9 tests made in years 1990 - 1990.

See table below to find out more about glycemic index tests. Click details button to expand more informations.

Check also Kidney beans calories information.

Kidney beans glycemic index tests

Country Glycemic load Glycemic index Test year
Country: Canada Glycemic load: 7 Glycemic index: 29 Test year: details
Country: India Glycemic load: 17 Glycemic index: 70 Test year: details
Country: Australia Glycemic load: 12 Glycemic index: 36 Test year: details
Country: Australia Glycemic load: 7 Glycemic index: 21 Test year: 1990 details
Country: USA Glycemic load: 6 Glycemic index: 23 Test year: details
Country: France Glycemic load: 6 Glycemic index: 23 Test year: details
Country: Canada Glycemic load: 10 Glycemic index: 42 Test year: details
Country: Canada Glycemic load: 11 Glycemic index: 46 Test year: details
Country: Canada Glycemic load: 9 Glycemic index: 52 Test year: details
Informations on this site are based on publicin the Internet - Sidney University website and Harvard Uniwersity website